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Rocket Baby's Space Adventure

George is a cute baby boy with curly black hair and brown eyes. He dreams of going to space.

Introducing George and his dream of space travel.

George's dad helps him into a tiny space suit. He looks like a real astronaut!

George gets ready for his space adventure with the help of his dad.

As 'Rocket Baby', George zooms up into space. He sees the stars twinkling and feels weightless.

George travels to space and experiences weightlessness and the beauty of stars.

In space, George reaches orbit. He sees Earth below and the other colorful planets around him.

George reaches space orbit and sees the beauty of Earth and the planets from afar.

Finally, George returns home safely. He cuddles with his fluffy goldendoodle, Poepper.

George lands back on Earth and enjoys a cozy cuddle with his pet.

Reflection Questions

  • How did George feel when he was in space?
  • What did George see when he reached orbit?
  • Why was George happy to return home?