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Max's Marvelous Day

Max woke up bright and early. Today was a school day, and he was ready to learn!

What time of day is it?

  • A) Morning
  • B) Afternoon
  • C) Evening
  • D) Night
Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling's bedroom, morning, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling is cheerful

After dressing up, Max had a quick breakfast. His mom made him pancakes.

What did Max eat for breakfast?

  • A) Cereal
  • B) Pancakes
  • C) Eggs
  • D) Toast
Kitchen, morning, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling eating, mom cooking

Backpack on his shoulders, Max said goodbye to his mom. He walked to the bus stop.

How did Max go to school?

  • A) Walked
  • B) Rode a bike
  • C) Drove a car
  • D) Took a bus
Outside the house, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling leaving for school

On the bus, Max sat by the window. He waved to his friends as they got on.

Where did Max sit on the bus?

  • A) By the door
  • B) By the window
  • C) On the roof
  • D) He stood up
On the bus, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling sitting, friends entering

At school, his teacher, Mrs. Lee, greeted everyone. 'Good morning, class!' she said.

Who greeted the class?

  • A) The principal
  • B) Max
  • C) Mrs. Lee
  • D) Their moms
Classroom, morning greet, Friendly teacher, black hair, glasses, warm smile and students

First, it was time for reading. Max loved reading. He chose a book about dinosaurs.

What book did Max choose?

  • A) Space adventure
  • B) Fairy tales
  • C) Dinosaurs
  • D) Cooking
Classroom, reading time, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling with a book

After reading, Mrs. Lee said, 'Now let's do math!' Math was tricky, but Max tried his best.

How did Max feel about math?

  • A) It was easy
  • B) It was tricky
  • C) He did not try
  • D) He was absent
Classroom, math lesson, students working

Lunchtime came, and Max ate his sandwich. He shared his apple with his best friend, Lily.

What did Max share with Lily?

  • A) Sandwich
  • B) Cake
  • C) Apple
  • D) Cookie
Cafeteria, lunchtime, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Max's best friend, short red hair, freckles, blue eyes eating

After lunch, they had art. Max made a clay pot. It was a bit lopsided, but he was proud.

What did Max make in art class?

  • A) A drawing
  • B) A pot
  • C) A painting
  • D) A collage
Art room, clay project, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling sculpting

They ended the day with a fun science experiment. Max watched the volcano eruption in amazement.

What kind of science experiment did they do?

  • A) Building a robot
  • B) Volcano eruption
  • C) Growing plants
  • D) Studying animals
Classroom, science experiment, volcanic eruption

School was over, and it was time to go home. Max felt happy. It had been a great day!

How did Max feel at the end of the day?

  • A) Sad
  • B) Bored
  • C) Angry
  • D) Happy
Classroom, end of day, Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling happy

At home, Max shared his day with his family. He couldn’t wait for another day of school!

What is Max excited for?

  • A) The weekend
  • B) A holiday
  • C) Another school day
  • D) A birthday party
Energetic boy, brown hair, green eyes, always smiling's home, sharing stories, excited for tomorrow

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