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The Adventures of the Number Gnomes
Le avventure degli gnomi dei numeri
Once upon a time, in a magical land, there were four number gnomes named 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each gnome had a unique personality and loved different things.

C'erano una volta, in una terra magica, quattro gnomi numerici chiamati 1, 2, 3 e 4. Ogni gnomo aveva una personalità unica e amava cose diverse.
A colorful meadow with four gnomes standing together.
Number 1, the red gnome, loved to be alone. He would spend his days exploring the forest, counting the trees and flowers.

Il numero 1, lo gnomo rosso, amava stare da solo. Trascorreva le sue giornate esplorando la foresta, contando gli alberi e i fiori.
Number Red gnome, loves being alone, curious eyes, a red gnome, standing near a tall tree in the forest.
Number 2, the yellow and blue gnome, loved to be close to someone all the time. He would always hold hands with his gnome friends and count together.

Il numero 2, lo gnomo giallo e blu, amava stare sempre vicino a qualcuno. Teneva sempre per mano i suoi amici gnomi e contava insieme.
Number Yellow and blue gnome, always holding hands, smiling face, a yellow and blue gnome, holding hands with Number Red gnome, loves being alone, curious eyes and Number Adventurous gnome, carries a backpack, mischievous grin.
Number 3, the adventurous gnome, loved spending time in the magical forest. He would search for hidden treasures and solve math puzzles along the way.

Il numero 3, lo gnomo avventuroso, amava trascorrere il tempo nella foresta magica. Cercava tesori nascosti e risolveva enigmi matematici lungo la strada.
Number Adventurous gnome, carries a backpack, mischievous grin, a gnome with a backpack, exploring the magical forest.
Number 4, the speedy gnome, was only happy when she had four wheels beneath her. She loved racing with her gnome friends and counting how many laps they completed.

La numero 4, lo gnomo veloce, era felice solo quando aveva quattro ruote sotto di sé. Amava correre con i suoi amici gnomi e contare quanti giri completavano.
Number Speedy gnome, race car enthusiast, excited expression, a gnome with a race car, zooming around a track with Number Yellow and blue gnome, always holding hands, smiling face and Number Adventurous gnome, carries a backpack, mischievous grin.

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