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The Dragon in the Castle

Once upon a time, in a castel far far away, lived a draghon named Spike. He had green skun and orange eyes.

The text is displayed on a page showing a castle in the distance, with a dragon standing in front. The dragon has green skin and orange eyes.

Spike was a friendly draghon who loved to fly over the land and protect the kingdom. He was big and clumcy, but he had a heart of gold.

The text is displayed on a page showing A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy flying in the sky, looking down at a lush green kingdom below. He is big and clumsy, but wears a kind expression.

Every night, when the moon rose high in the sky, Spike would take his place on top of the castel tower. From there, he could see everything that happened in the kingdom.

The text is displayed on a page showing A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy perched on top of the castle tower, with the moon shining brightly in the sky. He is keeping a watchful eye over the kingdom below.

One night, as Spike sat on the tower, he heard a loud noise coming from inside the castel. He flew down to investigate and found a little princess named Lily. She was trapped in a dungeon!

The text is displayed on a page showing A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy flying down to the castle courtyard, where he finds a small door leading to the dungeon. Inside the dungeon, a scared little princess named A little princess with a joyful smile and flowing golden hair is sitting on the floor.

Spike used his fire-breathing power to melt the bars of the dungeon. Lily was overjoyed! She hugged Spike tightly and thanked him for saving her.

The text is displayed on a page showing A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy using his fire-breathing power to melt the bars of the dungeon. A little princess with a joyful smile and flowing golden hair is hugging A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy with a big smile on her face.

From that day forward, Lily and Spike became best friends. They explored the kingdom together, helping anyone in need and spreading joy wherever they went.

The text is displayed on a page showing A little princess with a joyful smile and flowing golden hair and A dragon with green skin and orange eyes He is big and clumsy holding hands as they walk through the kingdom. They have big smiles on their faces, surrounded by grateful and happy villagers.

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