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The Little Egg Student
El peque帽o estudiante del huevo
Once upon a time, in a little village named Yolkville, there was a little egg student named Egbert. Egbert was very excited to go to school and learn new things. He loved his teacher and all his classmates, but there was one problem - Egbert was the smallest in his class. This made him an easy target for some of the bigger students who liked to tease him. They would call him names and push him around. It made Egbert feel sad and lonely.

脡rase una vez, en un peque帽o pueblo llamado Yolkville, hab铆a un peque帽o estudiante de huevos llamado Egbert. Egbert estaba muy emocionado de ir a la escuela y aprender cosas nuevas. Amaba a su maestro y a todos sus compa帽eros de clase, pero hab铆a un problema: Egbert era el m谩s peque帽o de su clase. Esto lo convirti贸 en un blanco f谩cil para algunos de los estudiantes m谩s importantes a quienes les gustaba burlarse de 茅l. Lo insultar铆an y lo empujar铆an. Eso hizo que Egbert se sintiera triste y solo.
The story starts in Yolkville, a village. Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes is a small egg student surrounded by bigger students.
One day, when Egbert came home from school, he told his mother about the bullying. His mother listened carefully and gave him a big, comforting hug. She told him that sometimes bullies just feel unhappy themselves and take it out on others. She encouraged Egbert to think about how he could solve this problem on his own.

Un d铆a, cuando Egbert lleg贸 a casa de la escuela, le cont贸 a su madre sobre el acoso. Su madre escuch贸 atentamente y le dio un fuerte y reconfortante abrazo. Ella le dijo que a veces los acosadores simplemente se sienten infelices y se desquitan con los dem谩s. Anim贸 a Egbert a pensar en c贸mo podr铆a resolver este problema por s铆 solo.
Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes goes home and shares his problem with his mother, who comforts and advises him.
The next day, as Egbert walked to school, he noticed a caterpillar struggling to climb a tree. He felt a connection with the caterpillar and decided to help. Egbert gently picked up the caterpillar and placed it on a leaf, saying, 'I know what it's like to feel small and struggle. You can do it, little friend!' The caterpillar smiled and continued its journey.

Al d铆a siguiente, mientras Egbert caminaba hacia la escuela, not贸 una oruga que luchaba por trepar a un 谩rbol. Sinti贸 una conexi贸n con la oruga y decidi贸 ayudar. Egbert cogi贸 con cuidado la oruga y la coloc贸 sobre una hoja y dijo: "S茅 lo que es sentirse peque帽o y luchar". 隆Puedes hacerlo, amiguito!' La oruga sonri贸 y continu贸 su viaje.
Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes helps a struggling caterpillar, showing empathy and kindness.
Inspired by his act of kindness, Egbert came up with an idea to solve his own problem. He decided to start a 'Kindness Club' at school, where students would learn about empathy, respect, and standing up against bullying. Egbert shared his idea with his teacher, who loved it. Together, they created posters and invitations for the club's first meeting.

Inspirado por su acto de bondad, a Egbert se le ocurri贸 una idea para resolver su propio problema. Decidi贸 iniciar un 'Club de bondad' en la escuela, donde los estudiantes aprender铆an sobre la empat铆a, el respeto y c贸mo enfrentarse al acoso. Egbert comparti贸 su idea con su maestra, a quien le encant贸. Juntos crearon carteles e invitaciones para la primera reuni贸n del club.
Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes proposes a solution by starting a Kindness Club at school.
The next day, at recess, Egbert stood in front of his classmates and announced the creation of the 'Kindness Club.' He talked about the importance of treating each other with kindness and asked for volunteers to join. Surprisingly, many students who had never bullied Egbert before decided to join and be a part of the club.

Al d铆a siguiente, en el recreo, Egbert se par贸 frente a sus compa帽eros y anunci贸 la creaci贸n del 'Kindness Club'. Habl贸 sobre la importancia de tratarse unos a otros con amabilidad y pidi贸 voluntarios para unirse. Sorprendentemente, muchos estudiantes que nunca antes hab铆an acosado a Egbert decidieron unirse y ser parte del club.
Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes gathers his classmates and introduces the Kindness Club, gaining support from unexpected allies.
As weeks passed by, the Kindness Club grew stronger. Egbert and his friends organized activities to spread kindness, like leaving positive notes in lockers and helping others with their homework. Slowly, the bullies started to see the positive impact of the Kindness Club and realized that bullying was not cool. They decided to join the club too, understanding that everyone deserves respect and kindness.

Con el paso de las semanas, el Kindness Club se hizo m谩s fuerte. Egbert y sus amigos organizaron actividades para difundir la bondad, como dejar notas positivas en los casilleros y ayudar a otros con sus tareas. Poco a poco, los acosadores empezaron a ver el impacto positivo del Kindness Club y se dieron cuenta de que el acoso no estaba bien. Ellos tambi茅n decidieron unirse al club, entendiendo que todos merecen respeto y amabilidad.
The Kindness Club spreads its message, transforming bullies into advocates for kindness.
From that day on, Egbert was never bullied again. He had learned that solving problems doesn't always mean fighting back, but often involves using kindness and empathy. Egbert continued to be a kind and thoughtful student, always helping others and making friends wherever he went. And so, the little egg student became a hero of Yolkville, spreading kindness and solving problems with his big heart.

A partir de ese d铆a, Egbert nunca m谩s volvi贸 a ser acosado. Hab铆a aprendido que resolver problemas no siempre significa contraatacar, sino que a menudo implica utilizar la amabilidad y la empat铆a. Egbert sigui贸 siendo un estudiante amable y atento, siempre ayudaba a los dem谩s y hac铆a amigos dondequiera que iba. Y as铆, el peque帽o estudiante huevo se convirti贸 en un h茅roe de Yolkville, difundiendo bondad y resolviendo problemas con su gran coraz贸n.
Small egg student with yellow skin and bright blue eyes becomes a hero through his acts of kindness and problem-solving skills.

Reflection Questions

  • What would you have done if you were in Egbert's shoes? Why is kindness important?
  • Can you think of a time when someone was kind to you? How did it make you feel?