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Number Friends’ School Adventure

In a small town called Digitville, the numbers lived in harmony. One sunny day, Number One decided to start a school.

What did Number One decide to do?

  • A) Throw a party
  • B) Start a school
  • C) Go on vacation
  • D) Play a sport
Digitville introduction; Number One starting school.

Number Two was excited. 'I will teach addition,' she said, twirling in delight.

What will Number Two teach?

  • A) Spelling
  • B) Science
  • C) Addition
  • D) Gardening
Number Two is excited about teaching addition.

Number Three hopped along. 'I'm all for teaching shapes. Triangles are my favorite!'

What does Number Three want to teach?

  • A) Colors
  • B) Music
  • C) Shapes
  • D) Animals
Number Three wants to teach about shapes.

To the school came Number Four. He carried four books about the seasons.

What did Number Four bring to school?

  • A) Four pencils
  • B) Four books
  • C) Four toys
  • D) Four friends
Number Four arrives with books about seasons.

'I'll teach subtraction!' exclaimed Number Five, while removing one of her five colorful hats.

What will Number Five teach?

  • A) Dancing
  • B) Counting
  • C) Subtraction
  • D) Drawing
Number Five is enthusiastic about teaching subtraction.

Number Six shuffled papers on her desk. 'Patterns will be my subject,' she declared.

What subject will Number Six teach?

  • A) Music
  • B) Patterns
  • C) Science
  • D) History
Number Six prepares to teach patterns.

With a stack of storybooks, Seven said, 'I shall teach the joy of reading!'

What does Number Seven want to teach?

  • A) Cooking
  • B) Art
  • C) Sports
  • D) Reading
Number Seven arrives to teach reading with storybooks.

Eight brought a globe. 'Exploring the world around us will be our quest,' he announced.

What will Eight teach?

  • A) Geography
  • B) Math
  • C) Physical Education
  • D) Home Economics
Number Eight presents a globe for geography lessons.

Number Nine peeked from behind a calculator. 'Let us conquer multiplication,' she suggested.

What does Number Nine suggest to teach?

  • A) Addition
  • B) Subtraction
  • C) Division
  • D) Multiplication
Number Nine comes with a calculator to teach multiplication.

Finally, Zero rolled in. 'Together, we will learn about the value of nothing, and everything!'

What concept will Zero introduce?

  • A) Being number one
  • B) Value of nothing and everything
  • C) Only even numbers
  • D) How to count to ten
Zero introduces the concept of nothing and everything.

The school bell rang, and Digitville's school began its first day with joy and laughter.

What marks the beginning of the school day?

  • A) A school bell
  • B) A whistle
  • C) Sirens
  • D) Fireworks
First day of school starts with enthusiasm.

Every number found excitement in learning. They all agreed, 'Numbers big and small, learning is for all!'

What do the numbers agree on?

  • A) Eating is best
  • B) Sleeping is for all
  • C) Games are fun
  • D) Learning is for all
Numbers enjoy learning and agree on its importance.

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